Miscoe Hill Fifth Grade Team
Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Keenan and Mrs. Rutkowski

Where Miscoeminds learn, communicate our learning, inspire others and create...

Here's what's happening!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

What's Happening? September 2017

Science ~ 
In Science, we are starting a unit on the Earth and its Systems.   How can you reason why the sun rises and sets?  We made a model to work this question out!

Math ~
During Math class this week, we've been reviewing place value and on recognizing the 10 to 1 relationship between the place value positions in our number system. We began the week thinking about defining and finding factors and multiples and then we took it a step further to determine if a certain number is prime or composite.  We wrapped up the week by multiplying and dividing numbers (including decimals) by 10, 100, 1,000, etc.  Check out these Padlet links to see some of our Math thoughts for the week: Recognizing Patterns of 10 and Factors!

Genius Hour ~ 
Earlier this week, we were able to meet with Mrs. Arnold in the media center to learn how to access the databases ("Britannica" and "Gale") that will help us with our Genius Hour projects and with research, in general, this year.  In just a short time, the students have become quite adept with researching their interests.

Nature's Classroom ~
Rocky, the "principal" from Nature's Classroom, spoke with everyone about our upcoming adventure to Nature's Classroom this week.  She explained the trip in detail and answered many of the students' questions about the trip.  Please check your child's Friday Folder for the paperwork required to attend Nature's Classroom.  If you owe a balance for the trip, this information is included in the Friday Folder as well.  Please let us know if you have any further questions about the trip.

English~  We continue in growing our vocabulary and learning about words.  We have just finished chapter 1 and we will begin chapter 2 soon.

Our writing projects have begun!  The students have been partnered up, and they are writing the words to a short film.  This activity allows students to experiment with using sensory details in their writing, and it's a lot of fun!

Classroom Donations ~
If you are able to help with donating materials to our classroom, we would welcome the following items:  colored cardstock, board games & crafts for indoor Project Block, colored computer paper, self-adhesive laminating sheets & Scotch tape.  We really appreciate your help!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Reach for the Stars!

September 9, 2017

Ready for Week 2!

We have officially ended our first 6-day cycle at Miscoe Hill for the 2017-2018 year.  Even though it has only been 6 days, our time with the students has been very productive, and we feel that we have gotten to know many of them so well!  There is still a lot to learn!  I was hoping you could take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire about how your child learns?  It's just a few short questions but will help me get an even better grasp of who they are as a learner.

This week in ELA we practiced with our first set of vocabulary terms from our Curriculum:  Growing Your Vocabulary.  The students loved playing games on Quizlet.  Using Quizlet this year, your students will be able to create their own flashcards for quizzes and play games with the new words and study.  It has been a great app in the classroom to provide study strategies, and we use it across the curriculum.

This week in Langdon Homeroom we arranged cups without using our hands in Science!  This team building activity required your students to use verbal communication and collaboration to build the challenging cup arrangements.  Many teams succeeded in this mission and the excitement filled the classroom.   Some teams struggled and did not complete all the challenges but they still learned the power of teamwork and using communication to further the group: #failforward!

In Sra. Crawford's Science class we thought about ourselves as scientists by asking the questions: (1) What science themes interest me?  (2) Where would I be if I were a certain type of scientist?
 (3) What would I need to wear or use as a particular scientist?  It looks like we have a classroom full of engineers, marine biologists, zoologists, astronauts and paleontologists among many others!  Watch out Science World:  here they come!

In Math this week, we mixed up the students and they were able to spend some time getting to know one another while enjoying some chocolate-y treats.  We hope that all of the students will develop some new close friendships!  The following day in Math, the students brainstormed Math questions about the big bag of M & M's we had used to greet one another.  Check out our "Padlet" to read some of the students' questions.  M & M Bag Math Questions  We also worked hard to organize our Math notebooks.

We have also been taking time to read together every day by reading a #classroombookaday!  This week we read:  We're All Wonders, The Invisible Boy, What if Everybody Did That?, and the funny book, Do Unto Otters.  These spur great class discussions, and it's just so enjoyable reading together as a class.

Thank you to all who made it out to the Open House this past Wednesday.  Here is a copy in case you missed it!   Open House Presentation.

By the way, our door is always open :)  Let us know if you need to meet!  Conferences are scheduled in November, but if you need one before then, just let us know!  Mrs. L is also on Twitter!  Follow her at @mrslangdon303 to see more.