Miscoe Hill Fifth Grade Team
Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Keenan and Mrs. Rutkowski

Where Miscoeminds learn, communicate our learning, inspire others and create...

Here's what's happening!

Friday, October 16, 2015

1:1 Learning

     We are enjoying the many different aspects of 1:1 Learning in the classroom.  One aspect that I am especially enjoying is the collaboration and word processing that we have with Google Docs.  Students are able to share their digital folders with me, and I am able to collaborate with them on their writing.  They will also be able to collaborate and edit their writing with peer editors and write with partners.  Another aspect we have been working on is getting our first blog post published.  We have set up KidBlog for the students, and they can now have an audience for their writing.  KidBlog offers the opportunity of going through the writing process in a very concrete way.  So, while we are word processing and editing using Google Docs, the final product is posted on KidBlog for others to see.  This is an important part of writing.  It makes "Writing Class" more "real-world" and meaningful.  Here is the link to some published pieces so far.  More will be coming soon!  Our Class Blog

     Students have also been using a tool (app) called "Quizlet" to help them develop study techniques.  Quizlet allows students to create study flashcards and they can play memory games and quiz themselves on the content they create on their "study sets".  Many students have been building their study sets for the "Greek and Latin Roots" Vocabulary Program, and for their first quiz in Social Studies.
     Next week is a pretty important and exciting week in the life of your fifth grader :)  We will be going on a very cool class trip, and enjoying our classes outdoors.  I enjoy this trip every year because it is pleasing to see the students in a different element than the classroom.  It's a time where I can really get to know the students more and I can develop positive relationships with them.  This is an important part of establishing an encouraging learning environment, where they want to learn and achieve.  I also like to take pictures.  I will be putting all the pictures and videos I take into a shared Google Drive folder:   Our Pictures   The students will be able to access these pictures to do a new project we just introduced to them on Thursday.  It's called the "Nature's Classroom Scrapbook".  Your child was asked to bring a journal with them on the trip so they can "trap" their thoughts and memories, and be able to write about them when we return to school the following week.

     Thank you for supporting your child at home with this transition to Middle School.  It seems that the students are enjoying themselves in the classroom, and adapting well to the new rigors of fifth grade.  I look forward to meeting you all next month for our conferences, and will be sending out our conference sign ups soon.  
