Miscoe Hill Fifth Grade Team
Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Keenan and Mrs. Rutkowski

Where Miscoeminds learn, communicate our learning, inspire others and create...

Here's what's happening!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Reading in the Wild

     The weather has cooled off a bit this week and it feels like the beginning of Fall is upon us.   The classroom is bustling with energy and the students have been settling in nicely to expectations at Miscoe Hill.  I have been pleased with what I see so far in our students and their determination to do their best and acquire the skills that will help them succeed.  The students were excited to participate in our bimonthly "auction" which rewards students for positive behavior in the classroom.   
      In the Language Arts classroom we have been continuing our study of different skills and topics in our Interactive Language Arts Notebook.  Have a look at your child's notebook to see what they have been learning!  This week's focus was on the rules of using commas, using interesting word choices in writing, and we have continued lesson one in vocabulary on our word roots.  We have also continued reading RJ Palaccio's book, Wonder, which has opened up class discussions about the plot events in the book, and its main character's difficult situation of having been born with deformities.  
      As discussed at Open House, my goal this year is to help your child develop a love of reading.  Research shows that in order to do this, sustained time needs to be given to them to foster this love. Please ensure that your child has a book to read at home and at school.  
      I love the research and writing of Donalyn Miller who has written, The Book Whisperer, and Reading in the Wild.  I am currently mulling over and reading, Reading in the Wild now, so I have included an excerpt below for you.  I believe it contains wonderful ideas parents can use to help their child become wild about reading.  Enjoy!
     Have a wonderful weekend!  :)

Eight Ways for Parents and Teachers to Foster Wild & Lifelong Reading Habits
by Donalyn Miller
1. Model daily reading habits. As literacy expert Stephen Krashen reminds us, “Children read more when they see other people reading.” Talk with children about what you are reading and why you find reading personally interesting and meaningful.
2. Set aside time for daily reading. If we value reading, we must make time for it. Children who read at least 20 minutes a day score in the top range on reading tests and express more motivation and interest in reading. Even short blocks of time every day are better than bursts of reading on a occasional basis.
3. Carry a book with you everywhere. When packing for trips or running errands, throw books and magazines into the suitcase or back seat. Carrying something to read helps ward off “reading emergencies”—those times when you are stuck waiting without anything to do. The number one way adult readers rack up reading time is stealing short reading breaks in between other obligations. Carrying a book with you shows children how to steal this reading time.
4. Provide a wide variety of reading material. Fiction and nonfiction, print and online magazines, graphic novels and comics—children need access to lots of texts that match their interests and reading ability. You never know what book or topic might engage a child with reading.
5. Read aloud with children. Sharing books with children—even teenagers—reinforces that reading is important and something you find personally rewarding. Through reading aloud, you send pleasure messages about reading and can share books with children that they might not be able to read on their own. With older children, reading together can provide a launching point for discussions and help you connect on a regular basis. Burdened with homework and after school activities, many teens stop reading for pleasure. Reading together can keep them invested.
6. Visit the library often. Beyond free access to thousands of books, libraries offer qualified librarians and staff who can help match reading material to your child’s interest and locate online and print resources to support children’s needs. Most libraries host reading events and programs like summer reading clubs, too.
7. Celebrate all reading. Children read more when they are given choices in what they read. When reading for pleasure, children should control their own book selection with your personal limits on content and topics the only restrictions. Do not push children to read harder books, abandon picture books and comics, or limit their choices by reading levels when selecting pleasure reading books at the library or bookstore.
8. Limit screen time. The more time children spend using electronic devices and watching television, the less they read. While children need digital literacy skills, reading websites and surfing online don’t provide the same vocabulary development or reading stamina that reading books and magazines do. If children read e-books on electronic devices, shut off Internet access and limit other features during daily reading time.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jumping Right In....

Jumping Right in.......

     Week 2 found our students jumping in to a lot of routines and procedures for our school year.  In English Language Arts we have established our homework routine.  Every night a reading skill will go home to be practiced.  We have taken a slow and easy approach on other pieces of homework so far, and all work is completed in school at this point.  Occasionally, your student will need to "catch up" on any work that was not completed in school (usually because of band lessons) or just because they need to get used to managing their time during class.  Here is a very quick run-down on the happenings in 303.  Yes, we are jumping right in!

     Vocabulary:  We have started our first lesson in Vocabulary, called "Flower Power".  It focuses on the Latin roots, flor, dendr, foli and foil, and the many words that stem from those roots. 
     Grammar:  We have studied and worked with Capitalization and have taken notes about the six rules of capitalization.
     Literature:  We have started to look into "Story Vocabulary"  (Plot, Setting, Protagonist, Antagonist, Complications).  We discussed these terms in relation to a well known story, "Little Red Riding Hood"and took notes in our journals.

    I'm enjoying getting to know your children.  Thank you for your support at home.  Please use email to communicate with me.

Click on the "week 2" for a  visual peek of our week :)  Week 2