Miscoe Hill Fifth Grade Team
Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Keenan and Mrs. Rutkowski

Where Miscoeminds learn, communicate our learning, inspire others and create...

Here's what's happening!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Community of Learners 2017

Community of Learners

What a wonderful first week of school!  It was a pleasure meeting everyone and creating our classroom community of learners.  Some of the things we talked about this week revolved around what our definition of what 'learning' is, and what it looks like.  We will be talking about this topic a lot, as I believe it to be so important in our quest to create 'life long learners' in our students.   I have been following and tweeting at #classroombookaday on Twitter. If interested, follow me @mrslangdon303.   Each day our books will give us a theme that will spark our discussions about many topics ranging from being learners to being a good friend, to understanding life a bit more and creating a "growth mindset".
     We took some time this week to unpack many of our materials for the school year as well.  It's important to have the right materials for success!  Please ask your student what they might need.  If they received a box of materials from the PTO, they are all set!  If you are confused about what materials to get, or cannot afford them, please email me and let me know so that we can find a solution.
     Ipads have also gone out this week.  We have been reviewing proper use, and I have asked our students to find a special place at home where they can charge their iPad every night.  Coming to school with it all charged up and ready to go will be very important this year as we do a lot with technology!  Next week, we look forward to beginning our 'digital learning portfolios' through Seesaw.
     Take a look at our selfies!  We had a little fun with a 'getting to know you' activity that encouraged them to learn Padlet and Pic Collage to post about themselves. I love watching them explore, play and have fun!

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