Miscoe Hill Fifth Grade Team
Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Keenan and Mrs. Rutkowski

Where Miscoeminds learn, communicate our learning, inspire others and create...

Here's what's happening!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

It's a wrap :)

     What a year!  I still can't believe how quickly this school year has gone by, and how much I will miss working with your students next year.  They are a great group, with so many wonderful personalities, that it has been a pleasure being their teacher this year.  Yesterday, we had a great day out on the fields playing games and dancing, then some "down" time watching a movie.  It's really wrapping up, and their first year of middle school is becoming a memory.  Hopefully, it is a positive one that will build with others with each passing year here at Miscoe Hill.  It is my hope that as a teacher I am fostering seeds that help your child to grow and be all they can be, and to become citizens of a world where they ask questions, work hard, read,explore, and create lasting, positive relationships with those around them.  

     Over the summer, continue to encourage your child to keep reading.  Miscoe's Summer Reading List went out a few days ago, and that is a great place to start.  It is also a great idea to purchase review workbooks to help your child not lose touch with what they have learned, and to keep them learning over the summer.  I usually head down to Barnes and Nobles to look at the workbooks they have displayed there, and pick up a few that I know my own two children (3rd grade and 5th grade) could use review in.  There are also great series to check out, like Making the Grade: Everything Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know  by Kathleen Ermitage or What Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good Fifth-Grade Education (Core Knowledge Series) by E.D. Hirsch Jr.  
     All of your student's folders are still accessible on Google Drive, and can be accessed on any computer by logging on to Google then using their school username and password.    I have been taking many pictures this year, and I have put them in the "Class View" folder on Google Drive.  Many pictures from field day have just been added as well. I hope you are able to ask your child about these folders, and have them show you our pictures from the year as well.
     Thank you so much for your support this year.  As you know, it started out a little "rocky"but with the help of Allison Woodworth, and her ability to step in, and pick things up where they left off, I believe we smoothed things out, and got things back on track.  We couldn't have done this without the support that we have received from the parents and our students, so thank you!  

Have a wonderful, safe, summer!  I wish you all the best.
