Miscoe Hill Fifth Grade Team
Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Keenan and Mrs. Rutkowski

Where Miscoeminds learn, communicate our learning, inspire others and create...

Here's what's happening!

Friday, October 16, 2015

1:1 Learning

     We are enjoying the many different aspects of 1:1 Learning in the classroom.  One aspect that I am especially enjoying is the collaboration and word processing that we have with Google Docs.  Students are able to share their digital folders with me, and I am able to collaborate with them on their writing.  They will also be able to collaborate and edit their writing with peer editors and write with partners.  Another aspect we have been working on is getting our first blog post published.  We have set up KidBlog for the students, and they can now have an audience for their writing.  KidBlog offers the opportunity of going through the writing process in a very concrete way.  So, while we are word processing and editing using Google Docs, the final product is posted on KidBlog for others to see.  This is an important part of writing.  It makes "Writing Class" more "real-world" and meaningful.  Here is the link to some published pieces so far.  More will be coming soon!  Our Class Blog

     Students have also been using a tool (app) called "Quizlet" to help them develop study techniques.  Quizlet allows students to create study flashcards and they can play memory games and quiz themselves on the content they create on their "study sets".  Many students have been building their study sets for the "Greek and Latin Roots" Vocabulary Program, and for their first quiz in Social Studies.
     Next week is a pretty important and exciting week in the life of your fifth grader :)  We will be going on a very cool class trip, and enjoying our classes outdoors.  I enjoy this trip every year because it is pleasing to see the students in a different element than the classroom.  It's a time where I can really get to know the students more and I can develop positive relationships with them.  This is an important part of establishing an encouraging learning environment, where they want to learn and achieve.  I also like to take pictures.  I will be putting all the pictures and videos I take into a shared Google Drive folder:   Our Pictures   The students will be able to access these pictures to do a new project we just introduced to them on Thursday.  It's called the "Nature's Classroom Scrapbook".  Your child was asked to bring a journal with them on the trip so they can "trap" their thoughts and memories, and be able to write about them when we return to school the following week.

     Thank you for supporting your child at home with this transition to Middle School.  It seems that the students are enjoying themselves in the classroom, and adapting well to the new rigors of fifth grade.  I look forward to meeting you all next month for our conferences, and will be sending out our conference sign ups soon.  


Thursday, June 18, 2015

It's a wrap :)

     What a year!  I still can't believe how quickly this school year has gone by, and how much I will miss working with your students next year.  They are a great group, with so many wonderful personalities, that it has been a pleasure being their teacher this year.  Yesterday, we had a great day out on the fields playing games and dancing, then some "down" time watching a movie.  It's really wrapping up, and their first year of middle school is becoming a memory.  Hopefully, it is a positive one that will build with others with each passing year here at Miscoe Hill.  It is my hope that as a teacher I am fostering seeds that help your child to grow and be all they can be, and to become citizens of a world where they ask questions, work hard, read,explore, and create lasting, positive relationships with those around them.  

     Over the summer, continue to encourage your child to keep reading.  Miscoe's Summer Reading List went out a few days ago, and that is a great place to start.  It is also a great idea to purchase review workbooks to help your child not lose touch with what they have learned, and to keep them learning over the summer.  I usually head down to Barnes and Nobles to look at the workbooks they have displayed there, and pick up a few that I know my own two children (3rd grade and 5th grade) could use review in.  There are also great series to check out, like Making the Grade: Everything Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know  by Kathleen Ermitage or What Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good Fifth-Grade Education (Core Knowledge Series) by E.D. Hirsch Jr.  
     All of your student's folders are still accessible on Google Drive, and can be accessed on any computer by logging on to Google then using their school username and password.    I have been taking many pictures this year, and I have put them in the "Class View" folder on Google Drive.  Many pictures from field day have just been added as well. I hope you are able to ask your child about these folders, and have them show you our pictures from the year as well.
     Thank you so much for your support this year.  As you know, it started out a little "rocky"but with the help of Allison Woodworth, and her ability to step in, and pick things up where they left off, I believe we smoothed things out, and got things back on track.  We couldn't have done this without the support that we have received from the parents and our students, so thank you!  

Have a wonderful, safe, summer!  I wish you all the best.



Thursday, March 19, 2015

What's Happening? Day 121

      I cannot believe how quickly this year is going! It always fascinates me to see the growth and maturity in the students from the start of the school year to now.  This week,  on Friday,  it will be our 121st day of school!  Even with all the snow days, our momentum is still going strong and we have been accomplishing and creating many wonderful things on our Ipads.  For example, our notebook in social studies is going digital now, and along with that, many student folders have been set up in Google Drive for the students to keep digital copies of their classwork.  I am able to monitor and assist students with writing and project related tasks because of the the ease of corroboration through Google Drive.  We have also been frequently learning some great apps that should help many students in their ventures to succeed in school.  Notability and Quizlet are just two applications that can help your child stay more organized, and more prepared for tests.     If you haven't gotten a chance to see your child's progress on the Ipad, please take some time to see all the folders they have set up, and ask them to tell you about these two apps we have been using.   Your child can easily share out their folders to you by adding your email to the folder.  I have taught them how to do this in class, and if you have access to their digital folders, it can give you even more insight into our work in school.   Miscoe Hill School has also added Language Arts skill building to their IXL account.  We have been using IXL for grammar skills in class, and every week they receive a new skill to complete at home as well.

     As with all technology, it is important for you to monitor your child with their Ipad.  I have set up rules in class about games on their Ipads, and the general ruling is that games are not to be played throughout the school day, even during "free time/reward time". The phrase I use consistently is "teacher directed Ipad use".  Having the iPads in the classroom is extremely helpful,  and the pros outnumber the cons, but students still can get tempted to misuse them, and getting notifications about games on their Ipad can be distracting.  I encourage you to speak with your child about these rules, and have them turn off notifications for games.  I have also been telling students that they may not read a book on their Ipad unless they have permission from their parents.  The reasoning behind this is that it is very easy for a student to receive "free" ibooks, but some of these free ibooks are sometimes inappropriate and they should not be reading them.  Our goal of reading 30 books this year is continually a motivating factor for students to use their time to read consistently in class, and using Kindle books on their Ipad is a great way to allow your child access to a large range of chapter books appropriate for them, and you are able to manage them through Amazon.

     I'm sure you are aware that our English Language Arts MCAS test is coming up very soon...April 1st and 2nd.  In class we have been digging into our stories to look at text evidence, and working hard at developing appropriate techniques for writing and making our open responses clear and concise. I have added the skill "Locating Answers" into their weekly homework skill building to help the students find evidence for their answers in the text.  This week has also been the first week for passing in their homework digitally.  I'm sure there may be glitches along the way, but this week has gone very smoothly, with most students completing homework in a timely manner.  I am pleased.  With this new system of homework, I will also be having students correct their errors more.  Because of a feature on "forms" in Google Drive, I am able to quickly access a script to run on all the homework data which allows me to correct their homework digitally, then send a report back to them through email!  This allows students to correct their answers and resubmit to me.  Its my hope Reading homework throughout the week  becomes more of a process of completing, correcting, and then reading mastery.

     Lastly, we have been working hard on a Wax Museum Project and I am in need of your help securing materials for your child's presentation part of the project.  Each student is making a trifold board of their person, decorating it, and including all the elements we have been working on in class.  My request is that you help your child secure these materials, and bring them to school so we can work on this project during their scheduled "Project Block Period".
Materials needed are 1 tri-fold board.  Optional materials that will help your child would be:  die cut letters to make posters, scrapbooking supplies, markers, construction or scrapbook paper, and any other materials you may find to add color and pizazz to your student's trifold board.  I am really looking forward to seeing this project come together in its entirety!  We are almost there....

Thank you for all your support in this endeavor of teaching your child and helping them create a beautiful, successful fifth grade year.  Continue to reach out to me with any questions/concerns!